Remerge Remerge Business Code of Conduct
Remerge Business Code of Conduct
Remerge is an international company with operations around the world. In all instances, we respect national laws and, where applicable, other laws with an international reach, as well as industry codes of conduct. We are committed to acting ethically in all aspects of our business and to maintaining the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
The Remerge Business Code of Conduct (our "Code") is intended to reflect our commitment to these principles and applies to all entities of the Remerge Group and all of its direct or indirect subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively referred to as "Remerge" or "We").
Our Code takes into account Remerge's internal guidelines and policies and is intended to define our conduct in the provision of goods and services. Remerge is committed to doing business in a legal, fair and ethical manner and expects the same commitment from all its business partners.
Our Code will be made available to our partners for review.