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Ep. 116 Women in Mobile: Your Ideas In Your Voice

In celebration of Women’s History Month, Apptivate’s Women In Mobile series will take over the podcast in March. Maria Lannon, VP Account Management at Remerge, will be our host for the month.

Our guest for this episode is Fabiana Ayala, Growth Marketing Manager at Truebill. Fabiana shares her experiences speaking up in the workplace with English as a second language. She also discusses her work "must-haves" when traveling the country with her fiancé and why she schedules her personal life on her professional calendar.

Truebill is a personal finance app and Fabiana oversees its paid social channels. Before that, Fabiana worked at the advertising agency Bamboo, where she cut her teeth in marketing mobile apps.

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Questions Fabiana Answers In This Episode

  • Tell us more about how you got into mobile marketing?
  • Do you feel pressure to do more? How do you manage that?
  • Walk us through your work day managing six social channels. What are your deal breakers and must-haves when managing your time?
  • How have you adapted to working remotely while traveling the country?
  • How have you been able to bring your personal life into your work environment?
  • What has been the most challenging experience so far in your career? How were you able to turn that into something positive?
  • What’s a piece of advice you’ve received that’s helped you with your career?
  • How could the workplace encourage more personal development?
  • Have you had a female mentor that’s helped you along the way?
  • What resources would you recommend for other women?


  • 0:44 Fabiana’s background & Truebill
  • 3:08 Taking on multiple marketing channels
  • 4:50 Big impacts with small marketing budget
  • 7:46 It’s okay to put things on pause
  • 10:29 Fabiana’s must-haves for the work day
  • 13:11 Managing work on the road
  • 15:10 Putting personal life on work calendar
  • 16:47 Patience & self-worth
  • 21:25 Attitude is a choice
  • 24:03 Using your voice


« (18:00-18:07) “I think we need to understand our self-worth and be open and vulnerable about our frustrations, especially to our mentors.” »

Fabiana Ayala

(24:02-24:35) “We need to keep reminding ourselves that we shouldn’t be afraid of using our own voice. We have the right to have our own point-of-view, our own opinion. We’re allowed to disagree, and we shouldn’t be afraid of confrontation. We should always come with an open heart and mind into this communication; and if we still disagree, it’s okay to agree to disagree. I feel like we shouldn’t let anyone diminish our voices because of our gender.”

(24:54-25:09) “With English not being my first language, I sometimes say something and think, ‘That sounded better in Spanish.’ So I need to push myself to just say it. Say it as it comes, and if people don’t understand they’ll ask questions.”