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Ep. 113 Omnichannel Marketing in the Privacy-First Era

Today, identifying individual users on their phones and other devices is not always an option for mobile marketers; as a result, many players are now vying to optimize their omnichannel marketing activities. In this episode, we review how the concept of omnichannel marketing developed over time. And, we address why mobile marketers must become smarter when understanding subgroups of their audiences.

Alexander Savelyev is the Vice President of Product at Verve Group. Verve is a privacy-first omnichannel ad platform. It offers programmatic solutions that connect advertisers and publishers to people in real-time. Alexander lives and works in Berlin.

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Questions Alexander Answers In This Episode

  • What is your team looking to achieve at Verve?
  • As a VP of Product, is it difficult overseeing 5-6 teams focused on different goals? How do you direct where the teams focus their time?
  • How do you see the perspective of advertisers and publishers as it relates to omnichannel marketing? How different are they?
  • Is a publisher missing something by not having an omnichannel presence?
  • How do we achieve omnichannel marketing in a privacy-first world? If you cannot identify a specific user on a mobile device, how do you deliver a relevant message to them on another platform or from a single advertiser?
  • Is part of the safety net for user privacy the size of the cohort or audience? Is there a minimum threshold for how large or small it must be to preserve that privacy?
  • What’s needed and crucial for the market?


  • 3:48 Alexander’s background
  • 8:00 Verve, for advertisers and publishers
  • 11:46 On managing a team of teams
  • 15:12 Omnichannel for advertisers vs publishers
  • 25:48 How to do privacy-first omnichannel
  • 30:11 Size minimums for proxies to protect user privacy
  • 32:24 Not possible but needed and crucial


(8:48-9:08) “By having the ecosystem, meaning by having an SSP, an ad exchange, an SDK, and a DSP, we think that we can make advertising cheaper through the economies of scale and through the efficiencies between the components that would normally be different companies with completely different sets of goals.”

(32:43-33:00) “What advertisers need to be able to do is execute different campaigns on individuals within a minimized group and a/b test different, sequential multi-device storytelling strategies in real-time.”